

simple food

the other night, Pete and I both had to be out of the house at 7.15.  This is early for us - we don't normally eat until about 8 p.m.  And we forgot to get anything out of the freezer, and didn't stop work till about 6.30.

so, one big pot of penne pasta.  When cooked, drained it, ladled in some very good olive oil, stirred in some fresh basil, dished it up, sprinkled it with loads of fresh parmesan.

gorgeous, and 20 minutes start to finish.  I'd forgotten how good it was.

1 comment to this

sasha said on 16 Mar 2008 at 20:24:10:

Sounds delicious. Why isn't everything this easy?

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posted by ramtops on 14 Jun 07 - 6104 views


recipes from ramtops