

trout-faced mockney tomato pasta recipe

Here's a quick but basic penne pasta with tomato and basil:

Some penne - about that much
Olive Oil (of course)
One tin of Tesco's basic chopped tomato
One clove of garlic
Pepper to taste
Fresh basil

Boil the penne in a large saucepan of salted water and a splash of olive oil. Meanwhile, fry the garlic in a larger saucepan with a fair old bit of olive oil. Add the chopped tomatoes and continue cooking to reduce the sauce. I suppose I could've added some tomato purée but I didn't think about it. Add some pepper to taste. Add some sugar to remove the tartness. Rip some basil leaves into the tomato and continue simmering. When the penne's al dente - about 12 minutes ish - drain it and add to the tomatoes. Toss the lot about, remove from heat and serve in (preferably) warmed bowls. Grate on a load of Parmesan (or pour it out of the tubs for the non-purists like me). Scoff.

Optional extras:
You could always turn the pasta and tomatoes into an ovenproof bowl, grate some mozzarella onto the top and shove in the oven/under the grill until the cheese is melted/browned.

You can also add some defrosted frozen prawns to the tomatoes a couple of minutes before the end of cooking time.

Another alternative is to add some chopped streaky bacon to the olive oil and garlic at the start of the cooking time and fry until well cooked before adding the tomatoes.

1 comment to this

ramtops said on 16 Jul 2007 at 16:55:41:

> about that much my sort of cooking :)

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posted by captainblue on 16 Jul 07 - 8642 views

recipes from CaptainBlue