

stir fried chard

Now, I know this doesn't sound very exciting, but bear with me.  We have gone back to getting a weekly box from Riverford, and this week it brought forth a beautiful bunch of glossy green chard.

We're not much into meat and two veg, and it wanted eating, so here's what we did.

Put some basmati rice on to cook.

Thinly slice the chard, leaves and stalks - it will mulch down a lot so don't be alarmed if it looks a lot.

About ten minutes before the rice is ready, cook the chard.

Stir fry a crushed dried chilli and about 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds in a little groundnut oil for a minute or so, then add the chard, and stir it round until it has wilted.

Then add a sloosh of oyster sauce, a sloosh of soy sauce and a small splash of rice wine, and a few drops of sesame oil.  I also added about a teaspoon of runny honey, as chard can be quite bitter. Boil it fairly fiercely until the sauce has reduced.

It was utterly gorgeous.

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posted by ramtops on 07 Feb 08 - 9543 views


recipes from ramtops