

greek bean salad

Something like this appears in just about every Greek cook book.  For picnic food or just this hot weather it's lovely.  The "secret", if such there be, is time for the flavours to infuse.

I'm a bit vague on quantities; I've tried to scale this down from one
I made last weekend which started with 1 1/2 lb cooked weight of

from Matthew Malthouse

12 oz butter beans cooked until just tender or the equivalent canned drained of their liquid.
8 oz chopped tomatoes
4 oz tomato puree
1 small sweet/salad onion coarsely chopped
1 small cooking onion finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped or crushed
2 oz chopped black olives
Scant handful of shopped fresh oregano and basil
Salt and pepper.
Dash of vinegar.
Olive oil

To make the tomato sauce chop the cooking onion very fine and cook until soft in a little olive oil.  Add the garlic.  When that's just beginning to colour add the chopped tomato and puree.  Add a dash of vinegar and cook gently until the sauce reduces and is quite thick.

Combine the beans, salad onion, olives and herbs in a bowl.  Tip over the tomato sauce and mix so it covers everything.  Season to taste.

Leave in the fridge or covered somewhere cool for 24 hours.

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posted by ramtops on 02 Sep 06 - 7439 views


recipes from ramtops