

duck, borlotti bean and orange salad

made as a bitsa meal, on a very hot day.   We had the duck ready cooked and chunked in the freezer, as I'd bought a job lot from Costco, and the beans were left from a batch I'd soaked and cooked up the day before.  The orange worked *really* well.

quantities here are very loose :)

in a bowl, mix:

  • some borlotti beans, probably about a can's worth, although I did them from dried
  • some duck breast, cooked however you like, and sliced up into small chunks
  • one orange, peeled, de-pithed, and sliced thinly
  • some spring onions, radishes, and cucumber, cut however you like (I tend to chunk cucumber)
  • some rocket
  • some finely chopped mint leaves
make a dressing from:
  • juice of an orange
  • walnut oil
  • soya sauce
serve with steamed new potatoes

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posted by ramtops on 20 Jul 06 - 7666 views


recipes from ramtops