

cannellini and chorizo salad

when I boil up dried beans, I always always do too much.  So we had leftover cannellini beans, and this is what I came up with.

start yesterday!

soak some cannellini beans overnight, then put in a pot of lots of cold water, bring to the boil, and turn off.  Or open a can :)

when they're cool, drain and set aside.

dice some chorizo sausage, and fry it in some good olive oil until it's slightly crisp.  Set it on some kitchen paper to drain.  Keep the oil, and put a couple of cloves of thinly sliced garlic in it (don't heat it again).

when you're ready to eat, put beans, chorizo, some rocket, some watercress, diced cucumber, diced feta cheese in a bowl.

make a vinaigrette with the chorizon oil and garlic and some white wine vinegar.

delicious for a summer evening.

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posted by ramtops on 08 Jun 06 - 8630 views


recipes from ramtops