

dealing with remnants

Mac and I experimented, probably over a year ago, with freezing up a basic mince+beans+carrots base for using as a base for quick meals. It didn't really work, as the (necessarily) bland mince wasn't good at taking on the personality of what it was being included in without having been involved from the start.

Anyhow. We had one tub left, and I used it up last night in an Indian-style improvised confection as follows:

Combine dry-roasted and ground cumin, coriander, fenugreek and black mustard seeds; ground turmeric root; asafœtida. Chop an onion finely. Cut a few potatoes into smallish chunks.

Heat up groundnut oil in a pan and fry the spices for a bit. Add the onions and fry gently until they're softened. Add the potato chunks and some paprika, coat the potato and let the lot cook for a bit, covered.

Add the thawed mince and beans mix (or add whatever else you might have lying around that needs using up). I added a very tired green chilli, finely chopped, from the fridge at this point. Add a goodly sloosh of water, bring back to a simmer, cover and leave for three quarters of an hour or so.

I cocked this up slightly by not putting the pan on a diffuser, so the contents stuck a little: don't do this at home! Bunging the thing in a slow oven would probably have been a better idea.

Anyhow, I added some ground cardamom seeds and ground black pepper towards the end, while the rice was cooking. Didn't need salt, as the mince &c. had been salted enough.

I served it with simple basmati rice, and the whole thing was remarkably edible considering where its core came from.

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posted by skydancer on 29 Jul 07 - 6685 views


recipes from skydancer