

captain beany's boston baked beans

preheat the oven to 150˚C / 300˚F / gas mark 2

450g dried haricot beans
250g smoked streaky bacon, cut into lardons
2 tbsps molasses (or dark treacle)
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp mustard powder
2 tbsp dark brown sugar

put beans into large pan, cover with lots of water, bring to boil over high heat. Remove from heat, allow to soak for one hour.  Drain, return to pan with plenty of water, bring to boil, simmer gently for about an hour, or until beans are tender, with skins beginning to burst.  Drain, reserve cooking liquor.

put half of lardons onto base of casserole dish. Layer beans on top. Mix molasses, salt, dry mustard and brown sugar, spoon over the beans.  Add enough of the bean cooking liquor to cover. Sprinkle remaining bacon lardons on top. Cover and bake for 4 1/2 hours, topping up with water if the liquor dries out. Uncover, and cook for a final 30 minutes.

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posted by ramtops on 06 Mar 06 - 8136 views


recipes from ramtops


Soup and Beyond: Soups, Beans and Other Things