

sausage meat & baked bean pie


This is great with baked potatoes, chips or salad.  You can even eat it cold if you fancy.


8oz Self Raising Flour, 2oz Stork, 2 oz Cookeen, pinch salt, water to mix.


8oz good quality sausage meat
415g tin of Baked Beans
a splash of Worcester Sauce

Make the pasty & roll it out to fit a pie dish. 

Line the base of the pie dish with pastry. 

Break the sausage meat up to walnut size pieces & place on the pasty in the bottom of the dish. 

Mix the Worcester Sauce with the beans & pour on to the sausage meat. 

Place a pasty lid on the top & seal.

Brush pasty with milk.

Bake at 190oC for 30-40 mins.

You can mix some herbs with the sausage meat to give it a different flavour.

1 comment to this

toothy said on 13 Sep 2009 at 17:33:29:

i've made this recipe many times wife & kids love it, especially when i add boiled egg and bacon batons to it.

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posted by dollymills on 20 Jul 09 - 25213 views

recipes from dollymills