

christmas cake eggstravanza

originally posted in my LiveJournal 19 dec 2005

so ... I weighed out the ground almonds, the whole nuts (whizzed briefly in the food processor), the mixed tropical fruit, the sultanas, the blueberries and cranberries, the dried apricots. I rummaged in the back of the cupboard for Cointreau and Amaretto.

I beat 225g of butter with 225g of caster sugar and 1 tsp of Madagascan vanilla essence.

I added one egg.

then I added another egg ... and *as I cracked it* I realised it was bad, but it was too late - it was on its way into the Kitchenaid. Pete heroically dealt with the revolting sugary sulphury mess, while I washed everything up.

then I found more butter, more sugar, more vanilla essence and started again. This time I did what I usually do - but inexplicably didn't the time before - and broke the eggs into an intermediate container, but of course they were all fine.

the cake? Well, I'm not very happy with it to be honest. I think I might go and [whisper] buy one from Waitrose ...

3 comments to this

morrice said on 22 Feb 2006 at 15:46:18:

The only reason why your second effort failed was that you forgot to wish! The essential and most important part of making a Christmas Cake.


ramtops said on 22 Feb 2006 at 15:50:31:

see?  I promised you comments today :)

to be honest, I'm not good at cake making, or pastry - no idea why.

sasha said on 22 Feb 2006 at 23:06:57:

Like ramtops, I'm no good with pastries and cakes.  I prefer to leave that to Himself while I do the main stuff.

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posted by ramtops on 21 Feb 06 - 6645 views


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