

veggie pie

spotted on CIX and reproduced with permission - thanks, Ron!

make a puree from parsnip, sweet potato and garlic let down with a slurp of double cream, seasoned with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

use half to fill a pie dish lined with bought puff pastry.

make filling by frying off some sliced fennel, red onion, pepper (whatever colour you have in the fridge), courgette and shredded spinach until just barely soft, add in a few chunks of goats cheese, pile on top of the puree and us the other half of the puree to top that off.

toast some sesame and sunflower seeds and sprinkle on top the put on the puff pastry lid, egg wash and cook for 30 mins.

serve with a simple tomato sauce (onion, tinned tomatoes, garlic, seasoning - blitz). The verdict was that it was superb.

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posted by ramtops on 24 May 06 - 5448 views


recipes from ramtops