

malay coconut rice

  malay coconut rice

A South East Asian dish from the Malay community called 'Nasi Lemak'. Easy peasy but OH, so tasty. The aroma makes your kitchen smell divine because of the Pandan leaves which give off a scent reminiscent of vanilla, jasmine and citrus fruit. This wonderful leaf is indispensable and irreplaceable in the south east Asian kitchen and is so versatile, it goes into both savoury and dessert and sweet recipes. This rice dish is great with Red Chili Shrimp and thickly sliced cucumber. Also good with South East Asian Mussel Curry or even Pacific Island and Caribbean dishes.

Prep : 5 mins

Cook : 20 mins

Serves : 8



4 level cups Thai Jasmine or Hom Mali rice, unwashed
2 cups thick coconut mik - filled to the brim
4 cups water - filled to the brim
8 pandan (screwpine) leaves, knotted or bundled - this is essential and cannot be substituted
2 slightly rounded tsp salt
1 rounded tsp salt



If you have a rice cooker, put everything into it and stir gently but thoroughly to dissolve salt and sugar. Replave lid, turn on cooker and forget about it till time to eat.

If you don't have one, put everything into a thick bottomed pot that is twice as wide as it is high and stir gently to dissolve salt and sugar.

Bring to the boil over medium heat till most of the liquid has evaporated ad venting holes start to appear on the surface of the rice.

Put lid on and reduce heat to minimum (the gentler the heat the better). Leave undisturbed for 10 minutes.

Turn off heat and leave undisturbed for another 20 minutes before fluffing gently with a large fork. Serve.

If you follow my instructions for cooking rice on the stove to the 'T' your rice WILL come out perfect everytime, promise!  ; )

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posted by danadooley on 25 Mar 08 - 9864 views


recipes from danadooley