

chestnut, onion and apple pie

seen on [info]brisingamen's LiveJournal

shortcrust pastry ... enough for lining and top for 9½ inch loose-bottomed flan tin

12 oz tinned or vacuum-packed chestnuts
12 oz onion, chopped
1lb good crisp eating apples, peeled, cored and chopped into small pieces (don't use food processor as the texture isn't chunky enough)
sage ½tsp dried or 1 tsp fresh
thyme ½ dried or 1 tsp fresh
3 eggs

fry onions in 2 tbs olive oil until golden. Quarter chestnuts and put them and chopped apples into bowl. Add fried onions, herbs, seasoning. Beat two eggs and stir into mixture. Mix well.

line pie tin, add mixture, piling higher in middle.

put pastry lid into place, decorate as seems good, use third egg to make egg glaze, brush pie.

bake at 200 C° for 40-50 minutes. Serve with Cumberland sauce or redcurrant jelly or cranberry sauce, or a decent gravy.

1 comment to this

niles said on 29 Oct 2006 at 21:34:07:

Erm... is this savoury or sweet?

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posted by ramtops on 12 Jun 06 - 6885 views


recipes from ramtops