

irish potato griddle cakes

irish potato griddle cakes

Pete and I are both suffering from a vile lurgy at the moment. Last night, we were too exhausted to put the bread machine on, and this morning we were too ill to go out in the rain to get bread.

thankfully, I'd made a big pot of chicken and veg soup, and suddenly thought about potato cakes to accompany it.  Lovely!

225g potatos
115g plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
15g butter
25ml milk

boil the potatoes with a bit of salt until they're tender - I cut them into small chunks for mash so they cook quicker!  Then mash them, no butter or milk.

sift flour, salt and baking powder into a bowl, then rub in the butter. Add the mash, stir it around with a fork, then add the milk till you have a nice dough-y mixture.

knead it on a floured board, roll out to a round about 1/3" thick, and cut into six triangles.  Cook on a hot griddle or frying pan in hot butter about 2 mins a side.

spread with butter if you don't worry about your arteries!

1 comment to this

hunkymouse said on 25 Oct 2006 at 14:55:48:

Glad to see you don't require the potatoes to be peeled!

Do you take any precautions to make the peel bits small? like, when you chop them up, dice them small? I do find when mashing potatoes, that it's all too easy to end up with all the peel snagged on the masher... my wife suggests grating them before cooking!


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posted by ramtops on 11 Apr 06 - 11133 views


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