

butterflied mackerel with paprika and garlic

3 tbsps olive oil
4 portion-sized mackerel, gutted, butterflied or filleted
3 garlic cloves, very finely chopped
1 medium bunch fresh flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
2 tsps sweet smoked paprika
1 lemon, quartered
salt and black pepper

preheat the oven to gas 7. To butterfly a gutted mackerel (or sardine), place on a board, and working from the inside of the belly, run the knife either side of the backbone, cutting through the fine bones. Gently pull the backbone away, trying not to take too much flesh with it, then open out the fish, flesh-side up, and remove any large bones. Pat dry with kitchen paper.

place large roasting tin - big enough to accommodate the four butterflied mackerel (or eight fillets) on the hob over a high heat. Drizzle a little oil over the bottom, and slide the fish in. Season, and place in the oven for 8-10 minutes till cooked. Remove, plate up the fish, and sprinkle chopped garlic, parsley and paprika on top. Serve with lemon, and braised spinach.

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posted by ramtops on 06 Mar 06 - 11400 views


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