fish stew for two
rating:1 red onion, finely chopped
4 rashers smoked bacon, preferably free range, roughly chopped
1 x 400g can plum tomatoes, chopped
400g skinless white fish for two, preferably cod from a sustainable source
handful of basil, ripped
crème fraîche, to serve
In one deep pan, fry the onion, until softened but not browned, in butter and oil. Add the bacon, fry until cooked through - about 2 minutes. Pour in the tomatoes, heat through. Place the fish on top of the mix - leave the fish whole as it breaks up when it's cooked. Put a lid on it. Walk away.
Walk back in 12 minutes to see if the fish is cooked. When the fish is cooked, throw in the basil, take off the heat, then really gently stir in about two dollops of crème fraîche.
Best served simply with crusty bread and a bottle of Fitou.
white fish with bacon sounds lovely - I'm going to try this!