

german potato salad

4-5 lg. potatoes, peeled and sliced
8 oz. bacon, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
2 T. flour
3 T. sugar
1 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
dash dijon mustard
1/2 c. white vinegar
3/4 c. water

boil potatoes until fork-tender; drain and keep warm.

fry bacon and onion together until both are nice and brown (this is the part that takes way too long, since it smells so good and it's hard to be patient).

combine flour, sugar, salt and pepper; stir into bacon/onion mixture. add mustard, and stir all until it combines.

stir in vinegar and water; cook until mixture bubbles and thickens (don't skimp here- it should be gummy, not runny). taste and add sugar if desired.

combine warm potatoes and warm dressing.

it's done!

(but it's always much much better if you let it sit in a warm oven for an hour or so, or if you eat it leftover the next day.)

lovely cold-weather food, but it will make your whole house smell like bacon. not that that's a bad thing.

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posted by ramtops on 22 Feb 06 - 5513 views


recipes from ramtops