

bramble time!

Is it me, or are the blackberries ripening very early this year?  I don't expect to be picking them until August ...

Pete brought in a bowlful, and I made this blackberry and apple cake, which I've been meaning to try for ages.  It was delicious - brambles from your own garden always taste better than bought ones.  But be warned - it's a fair bit of faff, and makes a lot of washing up!

By the time we'd finished mixing and crumbling and slicing, it was 7.30, and a bit too late to start the Risi e Bisi we'd planned, as we hadn't even shelled the peas, never mind made the stock.  There was a hispi cabbage in the fridge, so Pete hurled together a swift Indian spiced cabbage, which he has off to a fine art now, and doesn't even need the recipe!

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posted by ramtops on 20 Jul 07 - 6282 views


recipes from ramtops