

courgette and lamb meatballs

From a Riverford recipe card:

500g courgettes, peeled (although I probably wouldn't)
30ml olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped (though I'd probably use shallots)
500g lamb mince
1 (1?!) clove garlic, crushed
50g grated feta cheese
1tbsp fresh mint
1 egg
salt, pepper, plain flour
veg oil for frying

Cut courgettes in half lengthways, sprinkle with salt, leave for an hour. Rinse thoroughly, squeeze out liquid, grate.

Cook onion in oil until softened, add courgettes and garlic and cook gently for 15-20 minutes until tender.

Remove from heat and allow to cool, then mix with mea, cheese, mint and eggs. Season to taste, then pound until pasty (no, I'm not sure what this means either). Form into little balls, roll quickly in flour - them, not you.

Heat a little veg oil in a frying pan until it's almost smoking, then on a low heat cook the meatballs for 10 minutes or so, turning frequently.

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posted by ramtops on 02 Aug 12 - 4749 views


recipes from ramtops