

chocolate saint emilion

This is very rich and, in my view, needs English double cream (whipped with a little sugar and flavoured with a little brandy) to take the edge off.

It is called Saint Emilion because they have a speciality of a kind of macaroon biscuit. It is a delicate pink colour, and they sell them in many of the shops in Saint Emilion. You can see info. about them here:


Having made it in a serving dish, I am of the opinion that individual dishes are better as one can de-fridge what is needed. They can then be decorated with cream.

I'm not sure where I got this recipe. If you recognise it as "yours" my apologies - I will put your name to it if you like!

8 oz    225 g   Good dark chocolate
9 fl oz 250 ml Milk
4 oz    125 g   Unsalted butter
4 oz    125 g   Castor sugar
2         2         Egg yolks
5 oz    150 g   Macaroons

Break the chocolate into pieces and stir into a saucepan with the milk. Leave them to melt together very slowly then stir to make a thick 'cream'.
While the chocolate is melting beat together the butter and the sugar with an electric whisk until the mixture is light and fluffy. Then beat in two small egg yolks and the cooled (but not cold) chocolate milk.
Crumble half the macaroons into a serving dish, drizzle with some brandy, and pour over half the chocolate mixture. Add the remaining crumbled macaroons, drizzle with more brandy, and pour over the remaining chocolate mixture.
Cover and leave in the fridge overnight.

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posted by morrice on 16 Feb 06 - 10183 views


recipes from morrice