

chocolate chestnut truffle cake

I made this for a New Year's Eve dinner party; it really was very nice, although I think it needs even less sugar than I put in (which was about half the original recipe said). Note well, as I most emphatically didn't, that it's supposed to chill for 24 hours (man), so I was heaving it in and out of the freezer all day, trying to get it to set properly!

The recipe suggested topping it with a chocolate ganache, but instead I whizzed up some Green and Black's espresso chocolate, and scattered that over the top.  Bzzt!

430g tin of chestnut puree
50g golden caster sugar
100g dark chocolate
3 tbsp cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp whiskey, cointreau or festive spirit of your choice (I used good quality bourbon).

Grease and line a small loaf tin with cling film.

Blend the chestnuts and sugar in a food processor until smooth. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a pan with the cream over a low heat until smooth, then add the vanilla and alcohol.

Pour the chocolate mixture into the food processor and blitz with the chestnut mixture until smooth and well combined. Pour into your prepared tin, smooth the top, then cover the tin with cling film and chill in the fridge for 24 hrs.

Once firm, turn the truffle cake out onto a flat serving plate or board and peel off the cling film. 

Serve with cream.

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posted by ramtops on 04 Jan 12 - 4098 views


recipes from ramtops