

chocolate couscous…

On reading this recipe I wasn't sure if my reaction was 'yuck' or 'mmm'. So I've put it here till I have a chance to try it.

250g/3oz couscous
½ pint milk
2 tbsp honey
3 tbsp cocoa
1 lemon, juice only
1 orange, juice only
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp soft brown sugar
To garnish
4 orange segments
sprig of mint
honey, to drizzle

1. Place the couscous in a large bowl and re-hydrate with boiling water according to the packet instructions.
2. Place the milk, honey, cocoa and lemon juice together in a medium saucepan and whisk together over a low heat to thicken.
3. Pour the chocolate mixture over the couscous and cover the bowl with cling film.
4. Allow to rest for five minutes.
5. In a small pan heat the orange juice, honey and sugar
6. Transfer the couscous to serving dishes.
7. Pour the orange sauce over and finish by garnishing with the orange segments, a drizzle of honey and a sprig of mint.

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posted by jacqi on 15 Jun 06 - 10896 views


recipes from Jacqi