

slow cookered shoulder of lamb

Thanks to Roy Beasley for this one.

Take half a shoulder of lamb, and rub olive oil into the meat, season with salt and pepper, then stab it several times and stick a sprig of rosemary in each wound.

Bung it in the slow cooker on medium, on a bed of thickly sliced lemons and red onions for several hours (til the meat is literally falling off the bone). 

Carefully lift out the meat and set it in a warm place to rest. Put  the remaining liquid, lemon and onion in a saucepan and add a generous glug of red wine. Reduce the liquid by about half, then lift out the lemon and onion remains with a slotted spoon. Sprinkle in a tbsp or so of plain flour, mixing it as it goes in, then simmer for a few more minutes to thicken - season to taste.
Just tear the meat apart with a fork, and splodge the sauce over it. Serve with chunks of aubergine, courgette, onion and red pepper, all roasted with a sprinkling of fresh basil and pieces of garlic (about 45 mins in a hot oven).


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posted by ramtops on 17 Sep 10 - 7237 views


recipes from ramtops