

last week's meals

somehow, there was a pleasing flow to last week's menus, and I thought I'd note it as it happens so rarely.

we started off on Sunday with a lovely organic leg of lamb from the food market, roasted as per my recipe here

Monday: Moroccan fish tagine, although I left out the tomato - I used monkfish and prawns.  Lovely.

Tuesday: cold roast lamb, rather too much mashed potato, and spiced red cabbage.

Wednesday: more cooked lamb, stir fried with pak choi, spring onions, garlic, ginger, some wizened mushrooms which I soaked in boiling water for half an hour, oyster sauce, tamari, five spice - you know the sort of thing.  Worked really well.

Thursday: venison sausages with some more of the red cabbage, and more mash.

Friday: a tub of goulash from the freezer, which went with the seemingly inexhaustible red cabbage (although we did manage to finish it then), and some rice

Saturday: a rather interesting use of potatoes, cream, gruyere and the last* of the lamb, which I shall write up later.

*last?  well almost; I boiled the bones up yesterday, and it will shortly be turned into this week's soup.

1 comment to this

sasha said on 13 Mar 2006 at 17:34:09:

That is truly impressive.

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posted by ramtops on 13 Mar 06 - 6269 views


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