

prawn and basil stir fry

I made this because one of our favourite shops, Bristol Sweet Mart, had big bags of ridiculously cheap prawns (£2.25 for four servings) yesterday. They also had some fresh basil.  Had to be done!

one courgette, chopped into sticks
one red pepper, deseeded and cut into thin strips
some* garlic and ginger, minced (praise $deity for my Braun whizzy thing)
3-4 spring onions, finely chopped
juice of one lime
fish sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil - all optional
Sezchuan pepper, crushed
a handful of basil leaves, torn into shreds

put some rice on - whatever kind you want, by whatever method you favour.

when there's about 8 minutes left, you can start.  Our gas cooker is dreadful, so we can't stir fry properly - not enough pressure - so it might take less for you.

bung some groundnut or vegetable oil in a wok, and heat it till it's very hot. Add garlic and ginger, and swirl it around in the oil until it softens. 

add spring onions, pepper and courgettes, and stir fry for 3-4 minutes.  Then add the prawns, together with the lime juice, and whatever combination of the fish sauce, etc you might like.  Cook then down for a minute or so, then add the basil leaves.  Very quick, simple and light.

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posted by ramtops on 26 Feb 06 - 9351 views


recipes from ramtops