

jerusalem artichokes with leeks and bacon

We get a weekly veg box from Riverford, and in this week's box they kindly gave us a net of jerusalem artichokes.  They're odd little vegetables, and this recipe was on the card in the box.  I left out the fresh sage, as we didn't have any, and added the walnut oil, because I think the texture would have been not very nice without.

It worked surprisingly well, and would be nice with new potatoes too.  Typically, for a recipe of mine, the quantities are ... elastic.

enough jerusalem artichokes for 2 people
2 leeks, sliced through at an angle into chunks
some bacon - amount of your choice, really
juice of half a lemon
some walnut oil

Peel the artichokes if that's your thing - - I just scrubbed them, as life is too short to peel a vegetable.  Slice into chunks and set to boil.  I allowed 15 minutes but they could have done with slightly longer, I think.  Five minutes before you think they'll be done, put the leeks on to steam (I thought ahead, and put the artichokes in the bottom of the steamer, so I could lob the leeks in the basket on top).

Meanwhile, fry the bacon till its fairly crisp, and mix the lemon juice and walnut oil together to make a vinaigrette sort of thing.  When the veg are done, lob them into a bowl, chop the bacon into small pieces, add the dressing and toss everything together.

Surprisingly nice.

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posted by ramtops on 14 Mar 08 - 6603 views


recipes from ramtops