

pasta with smoked salmon and peppers

This is Dave Holladay's recipe, as I recall.  And we're going to have it tonight!

Enough pasta for a main dish for two greedy buggers
1 lb smoked salmon trimmings (Sainsburys do these)
8 oz creme fraiche
1 pepper (1/3 green, 1/3 yellow, 1/3 red if you want to be pretty)
Black pepper to taste.

Boil pasta until done. Drain.
Add creme fraiche & stir until the pasta is coated.
Add salmon & black pepper & stir
Chop peppers into little bits & add just before serving

Takes about 15 mins total...

1 comment to this

jacqi said on 20 Sep 2007 at 16:33:48:

ooh, I might have to try that, Looks yummy and easy. Saw the photo on photocena

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posted by ramtops on 19 Sep 07 - 8651 views


recipes from ramtops