

supreme chocolate torte

Nicked from someone who nicked it from someone else...


  • 1 packet (300g) chocolate digestives (dark chocolate if you prefer).
  • 50g butter, melted.
  • 250ml double cream
  • 200g good chocolate (I normally use 70% to 80% cocoa), chopped
  • 2 eggs
  • 75 ml milk
To prepare the base:
Throw the biscuits into a liquidiser and then add the melted butter to the crumbs. Take an 8" loose bottom cake or flan tin and press the crumbs into it.

To prepare the chocolate custard:
Put the chopped chocolate into a bowl. Very slowly bring the double cream to the boil and then pour it over the chocolate. Stir until all of the chocolate has melted. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and milk together. Add this to the chocolate/cream mix

Pour the custard onto the base and pop in oven at 170c (160c for fan ovens) for 15 to 20 minutes to 'set'.


I find it's best to decorate with white chocolate for contrast reasons. It's also good to do this while the cake is still warm (not hot) so the decoration sticks to the torte.

Snow: Grate the chocolate over the the top of the cake.
Curls: Run a potato peeler down the side of a large slab of chocolate.
Lines: Melt the chocolate then using a spoon drizzle it over the torte moving the spoon from side to side.
Leaves: Really fancy- Get some small rose leaves, wash and dry thoroughly (very important). Then paint melted chocolate on to the underside of the leaves and leave to set. Once set peel the leaf from the chocolate. Make sure you only coat the back of the leaf or you will have problems when it comes to removing it later.

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posted by hem on 17 Jul 07 - 16726 views


recipes from hem