

moroccan tagine of lamb or beef with prunes and caramelised apples

from our late and much missed friend Sonia.

Evelyn Rose's recipe - serves 6-8

3 lb boned-out shoulder of lamb or braising steak, large cubed
1 oz butter
2 tbsp sunflower or olive oil
1 pinch powdered saffron or /1/2 tspn turmeric
1 1/2 teasp salt
40 grinds black pepper
1 teasp powdered ginger
1 teasp cinnamon
8 oz onion, coarsely grated
4-5 sprigs coriander or parsley, tied with thread
Boiling water
12 oz tenderised pitted prunes
3 tbsp honey or granulated sugar
1 1/2 oz ground almonds

For the garnish:
4 Cox or other tart eating apples
nut of margarine (butter)
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp brown sesame seeds or 1 oz toasted almonds

Trim the meat. In a large bowl, melt the margarine then add the oil, saffron or turmeric, salt, pepper, ginger, half the cinnamon, onion and coriander. add the cubed meat and mix thoroughly to ensure thorough coating with the spicy mixture.

Put this mixture into a large pan or casserole and cook over moderate heat until it is sealed on all sides and a spicy aroma comes from the pan.

Almost cover the meat with boiling water, bring back to the boil, cover and simmer for 1 1/2 hours on the stove or in oven, gas mark 3 or 325 F/170 C. Lift out the meat with a slotted spoon.

Add the prunes to the sauce, together with a further 1/2 tspn cinnamon and the 3 tbsp honey or sugar.

Simmer uncovered until there is about 1/2 pint well flavoured liquid
left, then stir in 1 1/2 oz ground almonds to thicken and further flavour.

Return the lamb to the pan and keep hot on the top of the stove.

While the sauce is reducing, peel and core the apples and cut into 1/3" slices. Heat the 1 tbsp honey and nut of margarine in a wide pan and sauté the apple slices until they are bathed in a golden glaze.

Serve the tagine in an earthenware dish, garnished with the apple slices and scattered with the seeds or toasted nuts.

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posted by ramtops on 02 Sep 06 - 13737 views


recipes from ramtops