

patatas con huevo (potatos and eggs)

This was served as a starter in the spanish restaurant but I use it as a snack.


  • Potatos (1 med or 2 small per person)
  • Eggs (1/2 to 1 per person) 
  • Seasoning

Peel spuds, cut in half, then slice into quater-inch half-moons. I par-boil them if they're a firm potato, not if they're the sort that fall apart easily.

Break the eggs into a bowl, mix, season, as if for scrambling.

Heat olive oil in a saute pan or large frying pan. Throw in the spuds, fry them until they're starting to brown at the edges. Pour on the eggs and stir around at once. The idea is for the pieces of potato to gain a coating of egg, not to make an omelette. Keep stirring until the egg is cooked. Tip onto a plate.

Variations. I sometimes add a courgette or a small leek.

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posted by ccomley on 02 Apr 11 - 4821 views

recipes from ccomley