

jane's biscuits

By Rachel Allen, in Good Food Magazine

makes about 25 biscuits (depends on the size and shape) - can be frozen

175g plain flour
110g soft butter
60g caster sugar

(easier to remember in imperial - 6/4/2 ounces)

Heat oven to 180C/ gas mark 4
Rub the butter into the four, add the sugar and mix to form a stiff dough - do not add water!
Roll out to about 5mm thickness and cut into shapes.
Place carefully on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 6-10 minutes or until pale golden.

You can flavour the mixture with ground cinnamon, ground ginger, lemon zest, etc

If you are counting: per biscuit (assuming mixture makes 25) 66kcals; 1g protein; 8g carbs; 4g fat (2g saturated)

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posted by jacqi on 15 Mar 06 - 10358 views


recipes from Jacqi