

sausage and black pudding with potatoes

sausage and black pudding with potatoes

by Nigel Slater, from Sainsburys magazine.  This is delicious but - be warned - it takes far longer to make than you might expect.  I've just cooked it with venison sausages and it was lovely.

serves 4

4 medium onions
2-3 tbsp groundnut oil
600g potatoes
500g good quality pork sausages
250g black pudding, skin removed
a few sprigs of fresh thyme
510ml chicken stock
salt and black pepper

3.5 litre flameproof baking dish or roasting tin

preheat oven to 190/gas 5. Peel onions, slice in half from root to tip, then cut each half into 6 or 8 pieces. Soften them slowly in 2 tbsp of the oil in the baking dish or roasting tin over a moderate heat.

scrub the spuds, cut into short thick chunks, about the length of a wine cork. Add them to the onions and leave ton colour, turning up the heat a little if need be. Remove the veg from the roasting tray.

cut each sossidge into three, and put it in the tin, adding a little more oil if they appear dry. Cut the black pud into thick slices, add them to the tin, and cook until they are golden on the outside (the sossidge, I presume, rather than the black pud). Return the onions and spuds to the tin - it is important that everything is a good colour before you proceed. Stir in the thyme and the chicken stock, with some seasoning, bring to the boil, then put in the oven to bake for 35-40 minutes until the spuds are tender, and the stock is reduced to a lightly syrupy glaze.

1 comment to this

rebutlin said on 01 Feb 2010 at 13:58:25:

RE sausage and black pudding with potatoes recipe. Please let me know where I can get the "sossidge" mentioned!

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posted by ramtops on 15 Mar 06 - 21247 views


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