

breast of duck with pomegranate molasses

4 duck breasts, skin on
2 tbsps olive oil
2 tbsps water
2 tbsps pomegranate molasses
pinch of ground cinnamon
salt and black pepper

preheat oven to gas 7. Score the skin of the duck breasts in a cross cross fashion, salt well, and leave for 15 minutes.

place a large frying pan over a medium heat, and add olive oil. Place duck breasts skin-side down and seal for a minute or two until lightly browned. Turn over to seal the flesh, then place in the oven for approx 15 minutes until pink. Remove, and let them rest for 5-10 minutes, loosely covered with foil.

put the frying pan over medium heat, pouring off any excess oil, then add water, pomegranate molasses and cinnamon. Reduce for a minute, then season.  Slice each breast into three to four pieces and pour the sauce over.

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posted by ramtops on 06 Mar 06 - 10319 views


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