

black bean and carrot soup

250g dried black beans, soaked overnight
110g butter
2 onions, coarsely chopped
5 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
6 bay leaves
500g carrots, coarsely chopped
25ml tabasco, or 1 tbsps chopped chilli
150m sherry or fortified wine
75g tomato pureé
sale and black pepper
1.2l water

garnish: grated cheddar cheese

boil soaked black beans in wtaer rapidly for about 15 minutes, then simmer while the rest of the soup is prepared.

melt butter and sauté the onions, garlic and bay leaves in a large pan until soft. Add carrots and tabasco or chillis. Cover, and sweat for 5 minutes (no, not you!). Pour in sherry, and simmer for another 15 minutes. Add drained black beans, tomato pureé, seasoning and cover with water.  Bring to boil, then simmer for 1 hour.

remove from heat, remove bay leaves, and pureé in a liquidiser. Reheat. 

season to taste, and served garnished with cheddar cheese

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posted by ramtops on 06 Mar 06 - 6153 views


recipes from ramtops


Soup and Beyond: Soups, Beans and Other Things