

drop scones

drop scones

8oz self raising flour
1/2 generous teaspoon of cream of tartar
ditto of bicarbonate of soda
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 of yogurt and milk mixed (my substitute for buttermilk - I do 2/3 yogurt to 1/3 milk
1 tsp honey

I’m sure this isn’t very authentic, but I just bung it all in the food mixer and beat for a while.

Heat a thick frying pan or similar  (we have a cast iron griddle) until Very Hot.  Grease with a little butter, lard, whatever you like.  Drop spoonfuls of the mixture on the hot surface, watch until they start bubbling, and turn.  You’ll have to do it in batches, so wrap the cooked ones in a tea towel to keep them warm.

We ate ours with maple syrup and, in my case, cream as well - who cares, it was a wet Bank Holiday Monday.

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posted by ramtops on 11 Jun 08 - 6807 views


recipes from ramtops