

weird tortellini caserol thing

Arrange amounts according to your wanted proportions:

Hamburger Tortellini Casserole

8 oz.Ground Beef
About 1 cup Broccoli
8 oz. package of ready to boil Barilla tortellini
Shredded Mozzarella cheese (enough to cover casserole dish)

1.    Start water to a boil, and when boiling, pour pasta in.  Let cook for said time.
2.    Put hamburgers into nonstick frying pan.  Using spatula, break into pieces and turn while cooking until fully cooked. 
3.    Pour into bowl and set aside.
4.    In another frying pan, sautee broccoli with some oil until slightly crusty.
5.    Add broccoli to meat.
6.    Drain tortellini and put back in pot.
7.    Put a layer of pasta in a casserole dish.  On top of that, put the entire hamburger and broccoli mixture, then another layer of pasta, then the cheese.
8.    Put in oven on broil until top is browned.
9.    Cut and Enjoy!

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posted by scorbynw on 07 Jun 08 - 8320 views


recipes from scorbynw