

omenalimppu - finnish apple bread

Ingredients for 2 breads:

250 ml butter milk
500 ml apple purée
100 ml molasses
50 ml oil
50 gr yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp crushed caraway
100 ml oat bran
700 ml rye flour
wholemeal flour

Heat buttermilk, apple purée and molasses until luke warm. If the apple purée is sweet, decrease the amount of molasses. Put into a mixing bowl and crumble the yeast in. Add oil, caraway and salt. Add oat bran and rye flour and knead the dough until rather stiff.

Prove in a warm place until doubled. From the dough form two round breads, prove and poke holes on the surface with a fork. Bake at 175 degrees Celsius for an hour. Mix molasses with a drop of water and baste the breads a few times during baking to make a shiny crust.

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posted by ramtops on 12 Dec 06 - 7373 views


recipes from ramtops