

green pea and ham soup

thanks to Stephan Rodda for this.

2l ham/gammon stock
500 gr split peas
3 thick slices of pork belly
2 smoked Dutch sausages
100 gr celeriac or celery
2 large potatoes
2 big onions
1 leek
1 small carrot
(celery) salt
black pepper

soak the dry green peas at least overnight, or even for 24 hours.


boil the stock and sling in the peas and HALF of the vegetables; the green of the leek being the half you use.

it's best to simmer in a very low oven, otherwise this will stick and burn at the drop of a hat. Leave it there, stirring very occasionally for 2 hours.

now add the chopped pork belly (browned if you like to remove some of the fat) and the rest of the vegetables and cook for a further hour. Adjust seasoning.

now add the sliced sausage and replace in the oven for 20 minutes to heat
the sausage through. If you've got any bits of gammon left over, you could
chop them up and add them, too.

best served with light rye bread or a heavy brown one.

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posted by ramtops on 03 Jun 06 - 13018 views


recipes from ramtops