

what's in season?

Roots and sprouts available be
Throughout Jan and February.
Leeks, cauliflower and cabbage, too,
Can be enjoyed ere winter's through.
Then colours come with March's thaw:
Rhubarb, carrots (and beets from store).
But April's menus are a riddle,
As stored crops run out in the middle;
Mere salads must your table dress
With lettuces and watercress.

May can be warm, but it is cruel;
Few things grow this month, as a rule.
But then at last some lunch appears:
New potatoes and asparagus spears!
Rejoice therefore and clap your hands;
Now is the time to slaughter lambs!

In June, the veg are in full swing,
And so are some fruits, including:
Blackcurrants, cherries and tomatoes
(They are a fruit, like avocados).
Berries too are on the loose,
The early ones, both straw and goose.

In summer, veg are hard to miss,
Thanks to photosynthesis:
Fennel, herbs, beans green and broad,
Carrots can again be stored,
Peppers, courgettes nice and chewy,
Time to make some ratatouille!

Then tree fruit with September comes
(That means apples, pears and plums.)
Soon purple things are also seen:
Red cabbage, beets and aubergine.
And now's the time, in case you wondered,
That onions and spuds are keenly plundered.

The growing season's nearly over
When marrow's plucked around October,
Although this month is also big
In apples, pears and fresh-picked fig.

By Guy Fawkes night the frost is freed,
But that won't stop the hearty swede.
Parsnips, too, the soils expel,
Some cabbages and leeks as well.
They'll be needed, just remember,
As bugger all grows in December

1 comment to this

jacqi said on 04 Jun 2006 at 18:08:43:

That really brought a smile to my face.  Wonderful.

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posted by ramtops on 01 Jun 06 - 3799 views


recipes from ramtops