


serves 8-10

6 large egg whites
350g caster sugar
3 tsps cornflour
300ml whipping cream

take a non stick 25cm diameter cake tin or deep tart tin.  Cut a piece of baking parchment to fit the bottom, then smooth it into shape.  No need to do the sides.  Heat oven to 180C/gas 4.

separate the eggs, dropping the whites into the bowl for the mixer, and the yolks into another bowl.  I always *always* do this into an intermediate mug or some such, because if you get yolk into the whites, you're doomed.  Save the yolks for mayonnaise or some such.

beat the egg whites with a metal whisk until they are shiny, thick, and well risen.  Please don't try this without an electric mixer - you'll kill yourself.

when they're thick and shiny, add the sugar and keep whisking until the mixture is thick and glossy.  Fold in the cornflour by hand, firmly but gently.

scoop the mixture into the tin and bake in the preheated oven for an hour.  Then turn off the heat, but don't open the door - just leave the meringue there until it's almost cool.

it will crumble when you get it out of the tin, but don't worry.  Fill it with the whipped cream.  If it's crumbled to bits, then mix it all together like an Eton Mess.  In fact, add strawberries to that, and it pretty much *is* an Eton Mess.

add passion fruit.  Or raspberries.

or melt excellent chocolate in a bain marie, or the microwave, and then drizzle it over the meringue and cream, so that it sets to a crisp coat.

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posted by ramtops on 29 May 06 - 7425 views


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