

rosemary loaf cake

rosemary loaf cake

Nigella recommends that this works well as part of a pudding, with cold stewed apples.

250g soft unsalted butter
200g golden caster sugar
3 large eggs
210g self-raising flour
90g plain flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
needles from a 10cm stalk of rosemary, chopped small (about 2 tsp)
4 tbsp milk
1-2 tbsp rosemary sugar, or golden caster sugar

23 x 13 x 7 cm loaf tin, buttered and lined

preheat oven to 170 / gas 3. Cream butter, add sugar when it's really soft, and cream together till pale, smooth and light. Beat in eggs one at a time, folding in 1 tbsp flour after each addition (I'm assuming you sift the flours together, although it doesn't say). Then add the vanilla.

fold in the rest of the flour - ideal tool a rubber spatula - then the rosemary.  Thin the batter with the milk to a soft dropping consistency, and pour into the tin.  Sprinkle with a little sugar before it goes in the oven, and cook for 1 hour, or until skewer comes out clean.

leave to cool on a wire rack, in its tin, then remove and wrap in foil until you need to eat it.  It keeps well.

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posted by ramtops on 28 Apr 06 - 13962 views


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