

apple jelly

Why not make this out of the remains of the apples left over from making MYM's terrine?

When making apple jam in large quantities it is not necessary to throw away peel and cores. They may be made into jelly; windfalls also may be used for the same purpose.

Put the peel, cores and windfalls into a preserving pan and add a little water and boil till the applies are soft enough to crush. If they are rather large they should be cut in half; badly bruised parts also should be cut off. Press the apples to a pulp with a wooden spoon, then strain all through a jelly bag, collect the juice and measure it. Allow 1lb of sugar to each pint of juice. Put the juice and sugar into a pan, and boil till the syrup jellies quickly when tested on a cold plate.

Lemon juice, ginger essence or cloves may be added for flavouring if desired. Pour into warm dry jars and cover at once.

1 comment to this

niles said on 24 Apr 2006 at 14:30:03:

See also this recipe from Sasha

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posted by niles on 18 Apr 06 - 16034 views

recipes from niles