

red cabbage

Adapted from a Rick Stein recipe on the BBC website. Gorgeous with roast pork.

1 kg       Red cabbage, core removed and the rest thinly sliced
2            Medium onions, thinly sliced
500g      Cooking apples, peeled, cored and sliced
3 tbsp    White wine vinegar
3 tbsp    Muscovado sugar
½ tsp     Ground spices: cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon
1 tsp      Salt
30g        Butter
             Freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 150C. Layer all ingredients into a casserole, dot with butter and cover with a well-fitting lid.

Leave to cook for three hours, stirring once or twice.

1 comment to this

ramtops said on 24 Mar 2006 at 10:56:10:

very similar to my spiced red cabbage, which I think came from the sainted Delia.  It's also gorgeous with goose, goulash, good sausages, cold meat ... one of our comfort foods.

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posted by hallmh on 23 Mar 06 - 15245 views

recipes from hallmh