

boozy boiled fruit cake

4oz margarine
6oz granulated sugar
1lb mixed dried fruit
6 fl oz water
2 fl oz sherry or brandy
1 level teasp bicarb of soda
1 heaped teasp mixed spice
2 beaten eggs
4oz plain flour/4oz self raising

Put margarine, sugar, fruit, water, booze, bicarb and mixed spice into a largish saucepan and bring to the boil. Simmer for a couple of minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Grease and line either a 7” square or 8” round cake tin. Heat oven to Gas 4, 350f.

When mixture has cooled slightly, does not have to be cold, sift in flour, add eggs and mix well. Pour into prepared tin and cook in the centre of the oven for 1-l.5 hours. Cover top if it is getting too brown towards the end of cooking.

Notes: You can use any type of sugar apart from icing, and any combination of dried fruit though some glace cherries cut into quarters are particularly good. You can use all water but it tastes much better with the alcohol. Some of the flour can be wholemeal if you want to be healthyish. This is a very versatile cake and virtually foolproof.

Keeps well in a tin.


1 comment to this

kizzycooking said on 27 Aug 2010 at 13:35:01:

Can someone clarify if this is 4oz of plain flour PLUS 4oz of self raising or 4oz of plain OR 4 oz self raising? Thanks

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posted by lovethecat on 24 Jul 10 - 13395 views


recipes from lovethecat