

filo pie of rice with butternut squash, leeks and spinach

filo pie of rice with butternut squash, leeks and spinach

this is complicated, but looks utterly gorgeous.  It can be assembled a day ahead; cover with clingfilm and store in the fridge, then bake as below

9 oz arborio risotto rice
850g butternut squash
5 tbsp olive oil
pinch of dried red chilli flakes
3 trimmed leeks, cleaned and sliced
20g fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
50g freshly grated parmesan
2 medium eggs, beaten with 3 tbsp creme fraich
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
2 x 225g fresh young spinach, trimmed and roughly chopped
270g frozen filo pastry, defrosted
110g butter, melted
100g pine nuts, lightly toasted
salt and black pepper

23cm springform tin, 6cm deep, base lined with baking parchment, paper and tin sides brushed with melted butter

rinse rice and cook, uncovered, in parge pan of lightly salted boiling water until just tender (15-18 mins), then drain thoroughly and cool. Toss with a fork after about 5 mins to break up lumps.

peel, deseed and cut squash into 1-2cm chunks. Heat 3 tbsp of olive oil in large frying pan over medium heat, and fry squash for 10-12 mins, until browned and just tender. Lower the heat, add chilli flakes and leeks and cook, covered, for further 5-8 mins until leeks are tender. Cool and season. In large bowl, mix squash, parsley, leeks and parmesan with rice, then add eggs and creme fraiche.

heat remaining oil in large pan and cook the onion gently for 10 minutes. Add spinach, turn in the oil, cover and cook over a medium heat for 5 minutes until it wilts. Uncover, turn up the heat, and cook until liquid has evaporated. Drain, press out excess liquid,, then return to pan and season with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg.

preheat oven to 180?C / gas 4.

set aside 2 sheets of pastry and cover with a damp cloth. Cut the rest into 3 lengthways and line the tin, letting the edges overhang the sides. Brush each layer of pastry with melted butter and scatter with half the pine nuts. Make a layer of half the rice mxture, then the spinach, then the remaining rice. Fold the overhanging pastry over, scattering the remaining pine nuts between the layers. Lay the remaining pastry over the top of the pie and scrunch up slightly before brushing with melted butter. Bake on a baking sheet for 35-40 minutes.

carefully unmould the pie, brush all over with melted butter and return to the oven for 10-15 mins, until golden. Remove from the oven and let stand for 5 mins before serving.

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posted by ramtops on 19 Feb 06 - 19105 views


recipes from ramtops