

alas, poor spoon

alas, poor spoon

some years ago, we had a lovely wooden spoon - it had a thin head and a long handle, and when I wanted that spoon, it was exactly the right spoon.  One day the handle split; Pete mended it with sticky stuff, but it was never the same, and it broke again - with great sadness, we consigned it to the place where wooden spoons go to die.

I was stirring the soup this morning, and was yet again reminded of how much I miss that particular wooden spoon. I have 8 or 9 wooden spoons - some of them have long handles; some of them have thin heads. None of them has both.

whenever we see a new kitchen shop, we rush in and rummage through their wooden spoons - thus far, we remain disappointed.

it's all so sad.

note: the spoon in the illustration is nothing like the lost spoon.

3 comments to this

skydancer said on 14 Mar 2006 at 12:00:37:

Indeed; it's sadly missed. There was a delicacy about the spoon that nothing we've seen for sale since its demise matches: it's a bit like the difference beween a Victorian window frame and the lumpen, ugly, crude uPVC monstrosities that blight houses these days.

OK, it would never have survived a rollover impact, but passive safety in spoon design isn't (or, at any rate, shouldn't be) the prime determinant. There are more important things than the risk of a skull fracture should the kitchen turn over in an accident, and that spoon was one of them.

sasha said on 14 Mar 2006 at 16:26:19:

I feel for you.  We had two handmade wooden spoons which we bought by a roadside in Yugoslavia, back in 1966.  When their time eventually came, we found it very hard to bear the loss.  Search as we do, we' ve never found anything like them anywhere else in the world.

hem said on 17 Mar 2006 at 18:07:17:

I have a old Kenwood Chef that delights in snatching wooden spoons from the unwary, chewing them up into little pieces and then spitting them back out at the cook.

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posted by ramtops on 14 Mar 06 - 6502 views


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