

chocolate cola cake

Chocolate Cola Cake

250g butter, plus extra for greasing
250g self raising flour
300g golden caster sugar
3 heaped tbsp cocoa
generous pinch of bicarbonate of soda
200ml cola 
75ml milk
2 eggs beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract

60g of softened butter
200g icing sugar
2-3 tbsp cocoa
2 tbsp cola

1 or 2 kingsized caramel chocolate bars
splash of double cream
2 tbsp of mini marshmallows (optional)

Pre-Heat the oven to Gas mark 4, and grease a 24cm loose bottom tin.

Sift the flour, sugar, cocoa and bicarbonate soda into a bowl.

Gently melt the butter and cola drink together in a pan, then add to the dry ingredients. Mix the milk, eggs and vanilla extract together and add to the mixture.

Mix GENTLY but throughly then tip into your tin.

Bake for 40 minutes or untill a skewer comes out clean, remove from the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack while you do the topping.

To make the Topping
Beat the butter, icing sugar and cocoa together in a bowl untill blended.

Beat in the cola drink to combine spread over the cake and allow the topping to set.

To Make The Sauce
Melt the chocolate bar gently in a pan with a splash of cream (add more cream if you want a pouring consistency) Then stir in the marshmallows(if using) The sauce is RICH & SWEET so you may either want to serve the topping or the sauce not both.

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posted by iceman_uk39 on 04 Oct 09 - 10681 views

recipes from iceman_uk39