

christmas pudding (christine ogilvie's recipe)

Christine Ogilvie was our neighbour in Royal Albert Road, Westbury Park, when we lived there from 1971-1979.

1/2lb currants
1/2lb sultanas
1/2 lb seedless raisins
2 ozs mixed peel
3 ozs flour
1/2 lb hard marg (I don't think this is available any more, so use unsalted butter)
1/2 lb dark brown sugar
2-3 eggs
1/2 lemon
2 ozs golden syrup
1/2 lb fresh brown breadcrumbs
1/2 wineglass of rum
1/2 teaspoon of mixed spice and nutmeg
a little milk to mix

cream marg/butter and brown sugar.  Add eggs and some of the flour to prevent curdling.  Stir in golden syrup, rind and juice of lemon.  Add rest of flour with spices, breadcrumbs, fruit and peel.  Mix well.  Add rum and enough milk to blend (11/2 - 2 tablespoons).  Grease and line pudding basins.  Steam 5-6 hours.

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posted by sasha on 11 Feb 06 - 4413 views


recipes from Sasha