

pork with leeks, cream and cider

this was something made to use up a tub of cream in the fridge - mad, really, but it was dead good!

take a fillet of pork, and slice it into, er, slices about 2 cm wide.  Ish.  Brown them in a fry pan with a lid, in batches, then set aside.  Use a bit of olive oil for this.

turn off the fry pan, while you chop up a couple of leeks (don't use the dark green bits, because they're bitter - I always save them for shoop).  Also, if you have them to hand, finely chop a few fresh sage leaves.  Well, when I say fresh, I normally have this sort of thing in the freezer.  It *might* work with dried, you'd have to try it.

put the fry pan back on, add more oil, and a good knob of butter, and sauté the leeks until they look done enough.  We like them crunchy, but you might want them softer.  When you're happy, dollop some cider into the pan, and scrape all the pork-y bits up, then boil like fury to reduce it a bit, else it'll be too thin and watery.  Then return the pork to the pan, add the chopped sage, put the lid on and turn it down to a low simmer for about - oh - 40 minutes, I guess.  You can always test it, but do take care - raw pork is not optimal.

when it's done, take the lid off and boil some more, then slosh in a goodly dollop of double cream and turn it off almost immediately, in case it curdles. You end up with a cidery creamy shiny sauce, which is utterly delicious.

serve with roast potatoes and a green veg. 

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posted by ramtops on 18 Feb 06 - 15198 views


recipes from ramtops