

fresh fruit brulee

8ozs (227gm) punnet strawberries. washed and sliced
4ozs (125gm) white grapes, washed, halved and pips removed
1 fresh peach, washed and sliced
8-10 ratafia biscuits
2 x 200ml (7fl oz) tubs crème fraiche
4-6ozs (125gm) light brown soft sugar
fresh mint for decoration
liqueur, brandy or sherry for liquid

chilling time: 1 hour minimum
cooking time: 1-2 minutes

arrange all fruit in base of a soufflé dish of approx 11/2 pints (900mil) or 4 individual ramekins.  Add booze. [Ed - to chef?]

place ratafia biscuits on top.

Spoon over crème fraiche so that it seals fruit completely.  Chill for at least 1 hour.

Sprinkle sugar over dish and smooth the top.  Grill for 1-2 mins until sugar is caramelized.

Decorate with fresh mint and serve.  Serves four.

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posted by sasha on 10 Feb 06 - 10886 views


recipes from Sasha